Leavetrack Overview

This article explains the fundamentals of Leavetrack and how it works to help you manage and track employee absence. There are three key concepts: Employees, Locations and Leave Policies.


Your employees can be organised into a hierarchy to reflect how you work. Any employee who is a manager of other employees should be set as an Approver. This will allow that employee (the approver) to approve the requests of other employees who have the approver set as their manager.


Employees must be assigned to a location. The purpose of having a location is to enable reporting by a location but also to ensure flexibility for Leave Policies. If you have employees in multiple countries, you may want a different policy per location.

Leave Policies

Leave Policies allow you to set a default leave policy for the main holiday leave type on your account. If, for example, your policy is that all employees in England receive 30 days' holiday, you create this as a policy and it is applied to all employees in the locations with that policy set.

Coming soon...

More flexibility in Leave Policies so that you can set policies for different types of leave. At the moment, you can only set a consistent policy across the "main holiday" leave type but this will soon be expanded to include all leave types.

This structure means that you can have employees in three different locations who can all have the same or different leave policies applied to them ensuring consistency in your organisation.

Once the above has been setup, Leavetrack functions as you would expect. Employees or approvers can record leave in the system and there is a full auditable trail of all requests, approvals and declines.

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